Sunday, November 9, 2008


Why this blog?

First, there isn't a place on the web devoted to Indiana Wines. If there is, I haven't found it. By "devoted to Indiana Wines," I mean a place where people can discuss impartially the pros and cons of Indiana Wines, not simply a place such as the Indiana Wine Grape Council. The IWGC, while great for tourist information and a great resource for wineries, is not going to give you impartial information about what to seek out and what to avoid.

And that absence is a shame. Because I think Indiana is making great strides in viticulture and vinification. Are we at Napa's level yet? No, and there is a great argument to be made that we shouldn't try to be. Are we better off than we were ten, five, or even one year ago? I say yes.

Here is what I promise with this blog:

I will try to post two to three times a week.

I'll post about wine events that I attend or become aware of. If you know of an event, please let me know, and I will be happy to publish it.

I'll review wines and wineries in Indiana. I might even review a bed and breakfast or restaurant if I combine it with a winery visit.

I'll occasionally review wine books.

I'll try to visit every winery in Indiana. I have already been to many, but I don't want to leave others out. I don't know how long this will take, and if you are a vintner and think you are being ignored, don't hesitate to let me know!

I'll discuss (usually as part of my visit) the website of a winery and whether it helps or hinders the winery.

While Indiana Wines will be my focus, I will occasionally discuss wines from neighboring states. It would seem a shame to ignore the great things Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky are doing in wine, especially since many Hoosiers will be much closer to some of these wineries than many Indiana Wineries. If I am in their neck of the woods, I will probably give a shout out.

I am a lawyer by trade, and will post about trends in the law regarding wine and wineries. Obviously, shipping is the big issue right now in the wine legal world, so expect some discussions about that. However, I freely admit that business is not my area of practice. Don't expect a learned treatise from me. In fact, I may simply refer you to the wonderful Indiana Law Blog, which has covered wine shipping laws in an excellent manner since this issue came to the forefront.

What one shouldn't expect from me:

I am not going to be a cheerleader for Indiana Wines. I enjoy them, and many of them are great. But some are also not good, to put it lightly. Some varietals have no business being grown in Indiana. Some vintages are unworthy of adulation. I will be impartial in my reviews. However, I will strive to be respectful and appreciative of the efforts put into the wine.

I don't like point systems. I understand their value, but I believe they over simply the appreciation of wine. A wine can be so much more, or even so much less, than their total numeric score. I also think that giving numeric scores can mean giving huge preference to a one point difference in score. For example, Wine Spectator gives one wine that sells for $15 eight-nine points. It gives another that sells for $30 ninety points. What happens? The wine that sells for twice the price outsells the wine that, probably, is in fact the better value. I am not the only one who thinks this is dangerous thinking, and there is even a blog devoted to this very subject.

Therefore, I won't be giving out points, thumbs, grades, stars, or any other similar scale. I will share my thoughts and let the reader draw their own conclusions. It will usually be pretty easy to discern my thoughts.

About me:

I am not a likely person to create this blog. There are many who are more knowledgeable about wine than me. I consider myself pretty wine savvy, and I will do my best to continue to educate myself and others. Isn't that part of the fun?

I don't plan on revealing my identity, but I don't plan on hiding it either. You could have already gleaned a few clues about me from this post alone. If you do figure out who I might be, congrats! I don't plan on writing anything on this blog that I am ashamed of or won't stand behind.

I will note that I have no interest, financial or otherwise, in any winery

My wine palate is pretty diversified, though I freely admit I am not one for bone dry reds. I am lucky enough to have plenty of friends who like these varietals, and I may ask them to give their thoughts in a review of those wines.

So, pour yourself a glass of your favorite Hoosier Wine, sit back, and enjoy! There will be a lot of housekeeping going on to get this blog up and running, and I ask for your patience.

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